Within the cervCircle constellation is our "north star" planet, the Cervitude Coalition Inc, a nonprofit registered with the state of MA providing increased access to healing-centered engagement for trauma aware thriving.
We co-create accessible healing options with innovative initiatives like our Arts for Health and Wellness workshops, our clinical program agreement with Cervitude Counseling PLLC and stewarding our main focus of redistributing resources (monetary and in kind) for the re/PAIR Action Therapy Fund by providing vouchers for client care while providing trauma-informed traditionally underrepresented practitioners a living wage at $65 per low cost session for 2024.
Centering community care and mutual aid, we operate thanks to grassroots crowdfunding initiatives and individual donations.
Dear Coalition Comrade,
Our passion is co-creating liberation health access because complex social issues demand collective attention, care and creativity.
As fierce advocates for equity in mental health care,
we organize and practice collective action for class solidarity in accessing care for complex trauma.
“It is a radical act to subvert the systemic injustices that oppress us in order to liberate each other.”
Angela Davis
Co-creating a Difference
We are committed to making sure that money is never a barrier for long term healing from complex trauma. This mutual aid for liberated healing is our grassroots direct action effort to co-create new infrastructure for accessible care.
Our commitment to economic justice challenges white supremacy, capitalism, ableism and oppression in the medical and holistic healing industrial complexes.
Healing Justice
We are co-creating a system of economic justice for liberatory health care for individuals living with complex trauma by providing vouchers directly to providers for the clients who need them.
Our vouchers aim to cover the cost of sliding scale treatments in order to reduce the overall financial burden on an individual who may need multiple types of care for their complex trauma.
Out of pocket costs add up quickly and we are here to shoulder the burden.
Contribute to our
re/PAIR Action
Therapy Fund
Join us in supporting disenfranchised survivors of complex trauma access whole-istic healthcare services while providing underrepresented trauma-informed practitioners a living wage.
Our re/PAIR Action Therapy Fund is our direct client care initiative which provides vouchers for treatments.
Participate in our direct action to sustain our work with a one time or monthly donations through the Paypal Giving Fund.
All donations through this donation platform are tax deductible.
Cervitude Coalition Inc
(EIN) 84-2193971